We've been on hiatus from filming and taking photos of "Big E" (as he is known around the neighborhood) - in part due to my misplacing the camera and not having time to hook up the video camera to download film.
We did manage to find time to hit the beach with Eamonn last weekend during a visit with cousin Xan. We also had a good visit with Aunt Beth - her last to SD before her big move North.

Eamonn loves his sunglasses - he's at the mimic stage now (let's hope it translates to potty training in a year!) - so he likes to wear his hat and sunglasses if we wear ours. I also think he's smart enough to realize it's easier for his baby blues out in the sun.

He is trying to talk up a storm. "Truck" is at the top of the list, while "Car" and "Van" are not far behind. Now that E is mobile he just goes where he pleases and is very good at communicating his wishes (he isn't that demanding.....yet). He is such a creature of habit. Mon, Tues, Wed the nanny Martha arrives by 8am and whisks him off to the park. On Thursday (my day off) I am just starting my coffee when, for the past two weeks, Eamonn goes and gets his hat and brings it to me and then goes and stands by the front door with both arms stretched upwards patting the door.
I get the hint. Eamonn likes to be outside and moving by 8 am.
We had a play date last week and in the middle of it E had had enough - he just picked up and walked out of the room. A few minutes later I went to check on him and he was sitting on the floor in a pile of books flipping through the pages, getting some down time. So endearing.