Has it really been six months since I've updated this page? It seems impossible to recount everything we've enjoyed, accomplished and endured in that timeframe, but I'm up for the challenge:
April: Eamonn turned two!!! And we went on a family vacation to Kauai which was awesome.

When we returned I moved in to my very own office downtown in San Diego. Six months later we are *still* working out the details but stay tuned for a website launch...
May: We enjoyed a visit from the Daniels grandparents and hosted a Memorial Day BBQ with friends from PLCPC.

June: Father's Day - the blueberries came in and Eamonn loooooved picking a few every day. We made it to Sea World, the Zoo and the train outside the Zoo as a family.

July: Ugh, July. Eamonn caught his first stomach bug (he made it to 2 without vomiting!); God bless him - the second time he threw up I made it into the bathroom with him and he made it into the toilet - I was so happy I wasn't going to have to clean it up that I kept praising him and rubbing his back, and in between heaves he smiled because he was so proud of himself. I'll never forget that.
After the flu we headed to the Adirondacks sans Greg this year :(. It was a difficult trip. The flights were a nightmare; I have now experienced being trapped on an airplane while solely responsible for an exhausted, screaming toddler. Our hosts were gracious, but Eamonn still wouldn't sleep through the night or let me out of his sight. In hindsight, we now understand that despite his verbal skills Eamonn couldn't vocalize that he was FREAKED OUT by the different environment, people, etc. We returned home and he slept as if nothing had happened. He's my son and he's resistent to change - surprise, surprise!
Also in July we transitioned Eamonn from the crib to the bed. This went smoothly, thank goodness. He woke up on Saturday AM and we moved the furniture and let him help Daddy take down the crib (upon sage advice from Grammie). He's never looked back! He stays in bed until we get him - both in the morning and after naptime. We'll see how long this lasts....

August and September - we spent the rest of summer trying to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. Lots of time at the beach, pool and sailing. Eamonn continues to improve his communication skills and it's so much fun to watch. He's increasingly independent - now wants to get his own cereal in the morning and pour the milk from a pitcher. He started a pre-preschool program M-W-F for two hours a day and it's been a rocky start, but we're confident things will improve with time. For now someone stays with him until he adjusts. I'm a firm believer that there's a difference between "getting over it" (i.e. the kid gives up) vs. truly acclimating the child. We've always been fans of the attachment parenting style and we see the payoffs every day with Eamonn - he is secure, happy, kind, trusting and an absolute JOY to be around.