What a month it has been!
Lots of firsts for Eamonn - he started solids, was baptized and enjoyed a visit from almost the entire Daniels clan (we missed Aunt Chrissy!), traveled to Palm Desert with his parents and went swimming for the first time.
He now sits up without support, is fascinated with his toes, laughs uncontrollably when tickled, and is a complete joy. Six month old babies are a lot of fun!
Eamonn started solids - his first meal was avocado and he loved it.
The YouTube site contains a video of his first meal - once he realized what the spoon contained he started lunging for it.
Eamonn takes eating very seriously now.

Cousin Ava came over to hang out while the Daniels Fam was in town.

The Daniels clan (minus Aunt Chrissy who was a good student studying for midterms) at the SDYC.

Proud parents on the morning of Eamonn's baptism.

Grammie and Grandpa are so much fun!

More eating:
Eamonn takes to the pool! He is very buoyant.