It is pretty amazing - now that he is talking we realize all of which he is aware and understands. Fire trucks and trash trucks remain high on his list of favorite things. Last week I came home from work wearing a red sweater - he saw me, ran into the kitchen, grabbed a red cup from his cupboard, and then held it up to my shoulder saying "red - same." So cool!!!! All in all, Eamonn leads a pretty nice life. Martha adores him and he adores Martha; she takes him out 2-3 mornings a week. His grandmother also gets him out and about on Fridays, and then I try to have a "Thursday-FUN Day" with him (sometimes going to the store is fun). Eamonn is surrounded by people who love him - both near and far - and he remains a sweet, sensitive and very observant little boy. His parents hearts are overflowing! Life is good indeed.

For Thanksgiving we had a nice visit from Aunts Fidge and Robin.

We spent Thanksgiving weekend at the ranch picking apples and Eamonn looooooooved it.

We spent Christmas again at the ranch - this time with cousin Ava and lots more fun outdoors.

And we ended 2008 in Boston with a foot of snow! Needless to say, Eamonn did not like the cold, but he had a great time with the relatives there.