Freddy lived 8 of his 10 years with us. He put up with Bella, our crazy schedules and the "intrusion" of a new human being into our lives. I always said he'd make a great dolly for a kid someday - he would let you do ANYTHING to him and he never complained. He just wanted to be loved. He was a real hit at the vet's office - so much so that our doctor painted a portrait of him and hung it in her lobby. For the past three years we've enjoyed Fred's celebrity every time we had an appointment - people always asked "is that the dog from the painting?" I think the tongue gave it away.
Freddy was a cool dog. A good friend once called him "Henry" - and when I corrected her, she said "whatever - I mean the one with problems." Unlike Bella, who was an atypical pug with absolutely no health issues, Freddy had issues. He had eye meds, skin meds, ear meds; antibiotics, steriods, flea prevention stuff (3 types) ....but he was adorable in my eyes.
During a party he would walk into the middle of a circle of adults talking, flip over onto his back with all four legs in the air, and just stay....for a long time....without moving.....occasionally his eyes would look around (upside down)....but he figured if he waited long enough, someone would bend down and scratch his belly.
If a new person met him and showed interest, he'd immediately flop over on his side and bare his big fat belly - ready to be scratched.
He also had this move we dubbed the "Stevie Wonder" - if you found the right spots to scratch at the base of his tail, he'd move his head from side to side very slowly.
I'll remember Freddy laying out on our brick path in the sun, ever-so-much resembling a beached whale. His tongue, of course, will remain his trademark. After long walks it would be dilated, and if you got his attention he would stop panting for a minute, cock his head ala pug, and sometimes the tongue would get caught in his teeth so that it hung out the side of his mouth. I never did get a good photo of that look.
Freddy died this morning after surgery last night to unblock his intestines. He did very well through the surgery and at night, but threw a clot to his lung this AM at the hospital and passed away suddenly.
I will miss him terribly. Bye, bye, dear Fre-Fre (Eamonn's nickname for him). You were the BEST dog for us.