I think all San Diegans will agree with me that this did NOT feel like a summer. The temperature didn't break 80 until September! And low 70's is not beach weather out here. Nonetheless, we made it to the beach as a family over Labor Day weekend. The preceding weeks were filled with trips to the zoo, Sea World, Children's Museum, Wild Animal Park, and the Natural History museum in Balboa Park (which E just discovered). He is now interested in dinosaurs, and I cannot WAIT to take him to the Science Museum in London later this fall when we visit his newest cousin Charlie, Charlie's parents, and our old nanny Martha.
In regards to developmental changes - sometimes it feels as though we're in the hard times. We both continue to try to do the best we can, but it ain't easy. I take some consolation in the fact that E grew a whole TWO INCHES in the past 12 weeks. From June 13 to September 23 he grew to reach a solid 41 inches. He is well out of the "toddler" sizes and into a full boy's size 4 (or 5 depending on the brand). I cannot BELIEVE it. He isn't even 3 and a half (admittedly, that anniversary isn't far off but I am hanging onto the notion he is "just 3" for as long as I can people).