Father's Day morning - E runs into our bedroom at OH!-5-30 to wake us up - first words out of his mouth are:
"Mama! Let's talk about fossils!" (I look at the clock and inform him it's too early to talk about fossils.)
Our awesome nanny Hannah is also on the campaign and will write things down for us so she doesn't forget the "choice" quotes either - this week's occurred while E was playing with his medicine kit; Hannah said "Eamonn - are you a doctor? Will you take care of me?"
E looks at her very seriously and says:
"No, Miss Hannah. I can't have any BIG boy jobs until I am 8."
And last - we've had a couple rough nights, about once a week, where E is waking up from nightmares. He usually doesn't fully wake up - just calls out for one of us and settles down as soon as we go in and kiss his cheek. But last night was particularly rough - he woke up a LOT. And the last time he was really calling "MAMA!" - when I went in he sat up in bed and said "I'm having bad dreams." I said "Oh honey - do you want to talk about them?" Eamonn (laying down):
"No - I want to rest. We can talk about them tomorrow."
I never did get the subjects out of him and I'm so curious as to what they could be. Probably pirates or dinosaurs.